0s.AI Pricing
Become a life-long partner and enable systems that remove high developer costs.

How does 0sAI pricing work?

Only for qualified partners.

0sAI is a very powerful system. It requires no developers and no manual prompting of requests. For this reason, we currently will not make it available to everyone. But, anyone can apply as a partner.

Triple-7 Pricing Rule

With our revenue-based pricing model, businesses can access our technology solutions while sharing a mutually beneficial partnership. Instead of traditional upfront costs or complex contracts, companies utilizing our services offer 7% of their stock and 7% of their revenue in return. Additionally, as partners, they contribute 7% of the total technology expenses to sustain our collaborative relationship. This model ensures a fair and transparent approach, akin to sharing utilities such as water and electricity, where costs are directly tied to usage and partnership benefits are aligned with success.