
I want to begin this by saying whatever said in this book is coming from a man who knows nothing except that I will leave here and is nothing but what another entity makes him out to be at any point in time. Whether you're right about me or wrong about this, will be decided by the One who chooses what is right and what is wrong. I attempted to plot out a plan in my head recently to never become a millionaire and I'm beginning to realize the process of planning the avoidance of this is extremely difficult. There's a multitude of things that happened for me to get to that point, and I will list a few here. The first being why it's difficult, and the other six being why I planned to do it in the first place. The gradual increase of Willo's ability to make profit in correlation with the gradual decrease in the time, money, and energy it takes to keep her systems up and running. The gradual decline in any wants other than creating an imaginary world called Vaingel. The gradual increase in fathoming how infinite the Work of God truly is. The gradual belief that I will enter a state that I was in during a vision-like dream I had in February of 2016, which can only be described as Vaingel. The gradual increase in observance of traditional "Christian" values that are not biblical and the percentage of religious people who believe them to be biblical. The gradual yield that Jesus Christ is My Lord, as well as My Savior, and is the only way I was ever able to reach God The Father. The gradual understanding that all I can truly confirm is that my time here in this realm is decreasing every second. As obsessed as I may seem to be with the word Vaingel, its the only way I can describe my experience. It's more an obsession of God's infiniteness, rather than the obsession of an imaginary world or made-up word. As I begin to ponder on these things, I have gradually come to the point that anything imaginary is only possibly imaginable by quantum-scale particles provided by God's Hands. Ultimately, one must come to the conclusion that anything imaginary can be built to be observed past the imaginary plane through God. Once this conclusion has been made, if so it is made, then here is where we begin to find some of the best investors in the Universe. The one's who take infinite for what infinite is, contrary to the one's who build a threshold of what's possible based on what they can observe from their earthly plane. The more you give the more you realize how much you can receive. You can give $1,000,000,000,000 in value back to God (no, I'm not talking about back to your local church), without ever being a millionaire yourself. But, these mathematical equations aren't about basic "philanthropy". It has to do with investing in infinity and not thinking much about anything else. Allowing entropy to take hold of a single ask, that isn't observable in the current domain you are actively in. In other words, you must believe that you will be given the ask that you requested once you pass away from this realm and all memory of you is totally dissipated from your friends, family, strangers, and any other identification of the information you exerted. Philanthropy isn't needed to accomplish this. Investing in infinity naturally allows everyone who encounters your work to reap some sort of benefit out of it. Simply put, you're investing in infinity...I mean really, who could steal from something that never ends without punishing themselves? Who needs to worry about anyone or anything using you or getting over on you when you are investing in infinity? Leave that for the investors who only can see as far as stock tickers, savings accounts, and family trust funds. 1. The definition of investing, according to popular definition, is to expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture. 2. If you invest money on this earthly plane, then you may reap a return that most hope to be more than they put in. But, even deeper than just surface-level money schemes, this is a common occurrence in nature. 3. For example, Farmer Joe puts seeds in the ground in Spring hoping to have a good harvest time in the Fall. When you consider these basic principles, which occur in nature naturally of course, you can use the essence of entropy to proclaim that this could be the theory of everything we know and endure through our entire lives on this plane. 4. What if you sowed something on Earth that you could reap in your next life? This shouldn't be a surprise to any human who believes or downright understands the laws of energy, the concept of karma, or the aspect of Judgement. But, what if you could do it in a way that you knew what you would get? These are what i consider: the best investors in the Universe. 5. For example, Farmer Joe puts tomato seeds in the ground in Spring, expecting to have a good harvest of tomato plants in Fall. Farmer Joe, actually being a particularly diverse farmer, places a multitude of different fruits and vegetables in the Spring. Farmer Joe knows exactly how many tomatoes, apples, oranges, beets, and turnips he wants by Fall time. So he sows precisely. chapter_I_investing_in_infinity_9.18.2021 1. Why doesn't anyone tell you to store up for your next-life? Maybe it sounds rather stupid. Why would I invest in something that may never happen? How do I know whether I will receive a return? I might just lose everything I invested? It ironically sounds like the reason why most people don't invest in the stock market. There's always this unforeseen risk involved and they would rather not lose what they currently have. And if they are gonna lose what they currently have, they'd rather lose it on something they can currently exchange in return. So normally, they either save it or spend it. 2. Most working people would find it hard to deny that they would go back in a time machine and invest in some companies that had skyrocketed their valuation over past decades or even assets that had cult-like beginnings such as cryptocurrency. Most working people would also find it hard to deny that the richest families, and companies on the planet, most likely had parents/ancestors or partners who made calculated investments. 3. Ultimately, even with the "richest families and companies" comes a docile behavior that we are all victim to as members of a finite planet. Normally,----- they either save it or spend it. You can re-invest, 500 times over and gain 5000000% back on your best investments. You can hand it all down to your children and attempt to end all your generational curses. Even after this, normally,-----they either save it or spend it. 4. Save it or spend it. Keep it for yourself or give it in exchange for something else. But, doesn't saving go before spending? You must save something to spend something. This is because, generally, things cost more than one penny. But either way, at the proverbial "end of the day", the money has to go somewhere. Once the fat lady sings, the money has to be exchanged for something. You sow when you hold it, save it or even invest it, and you reap when you get something back in return which is usually buying something. 5. Is there truly ever a way to not receive something back from what has been given? Theoretically if I had given someone something and didn't expect anything back from them, I would naturally have some sort of reaping on queue. But, why cant this be as specific and driven as when you're saving up for something and know exactly what you're going to get? This has to do with the theories of relativity. There is no universal "now". Two observers may disagree on when an event has transpired. You do actually know what you're getting, but whether you have the patience, faith, and will to trust that it has been given to you is a whole different ball game. 6. The most pivotal thing about reaping returns after you pass away from your current realm, is that you have to actually trust that you will indeed have the opportunity to enter another abode in the first place. 7. Knowing before receiving is also heavily relied on asking. Asking isn't always inherently relied on vocal requests as much as it is action-based requests. 1. I'm going to share a reality. Not one that's necessarily unique in any way, but one that's primitive to any resistance. If you want to prevent an opposition from harming your way of being, then there's a high probability that you will use deception to accomplish this. 2. Where deception becomes relatively low entropy, is when you deceive a leader. In other words, if you deceive the 'first'. Another way of putting it, may be, if you deceive the 'sources of a system'. This is because emulation has a knack of "taking care of the rest". You don't need to deceive 1,000,000,000 minds, if you can just deceive 1 mind and let that mind teach the 999,999,999 other minds what's proper. But to lessen extremity and induce more realism, I would envision a virus of sort. 1 person affecting 4 others, then those 4 each affecting another 4 (which adds to a total of 16 by the 3rd set). Depending on how much the person is idolized or how much influence they contain, the affected number can be larger per set. 3. If you were exceptionally ambitious in these field of realm, then I would assume you could only execute a 'frog on the pot' type of tactic. This is why taking advantage of emulation is only practical when you are trying to deceive extremely large populations. Anything more direct would be an obvious intrusion on one's environment. As we know in any wilderness, stealth plays a big part on devouring your prey. In smaller, more inferior wildernesses, there are foxes who use patience and time to completely conquer their prey. Bigger, more active wildernesses, you will notice similar habits in lions. By the time you notice them, it's usually too late...if you even notice them at all. 4. Deception usually begins with fear of the party you want to deceive. Lions and foxes may not fear their prey from a physique aspect, but they more than likely fear not having food. This can even be concluded to say they fear not having prey or they fear their prey will not be attainable. Evermore, if you wanted to keep going, you can claim they fear their prey 'getting on to their deception' ("Hey, I'm on to you. You sneaky fox" sort of thing). 5. When people talk about evidence of the spiritual world or even the common term 'alien', I find it rather amusing that people assume we would see any evidence of these things until it's rather too late. Particularly if you are looking for evidence to bring about your own carnal confirmations, contrary to you already assuming its existence. Any animal that has the consciousness level to know there is a fox or a lion in his realm of play, does what he needs to do to stay away from it. 6. This may seem to be off topic of my theme on 'investing in infinity', but this is in fact the deepest I've been given authority to explain it using the language given to me (English, obviously). So I'll try to sum it up in one phrase. 7. Protect your investment in infinity at all costs, or allow the the honor among thieves to convince you nothing's there. 8. The honor among thieves in this phrase can be portrayed as many things. I have one that I'm certain can cover all of them, and the five after may be minorities of the first: Honoring the securing of a realm where you can continue to focus on earthy things, contrary to heavenly things or 'the infinite'. Honoring the securing of a realm where you only do deeds for people who can repay you in some sort of way, or doing deeds for people who cannot repay you and instead repaying yourself by telling other people about your good deeds. Honoring the securing of a realm where you hold on to all your earthly possessions as tight as you can. Honoring the securing of a realm where you spend everyday trying to reach a point where you have enough to 'never work again'. Honoring the securing of a realm where material securities, of all kind, are of greater value than God's security. Honoring the securing of a realm where we are constantly anxious about what materials or statuses we must obtain to emulate those around us. In layman's terms, keeping up with the status quo. 9. The best thieves are not the ones who steal things that you notice are missing, it's the ones that steal things you never knew you could have. These are what I call: the best thieves in the Universe. Most of these thieves do not know they are stealing, they are apart of a massive emulation where they think what they are doing is proper. 10. The original deceiver or thief, who has more than mathematically plotted his plan out before executing, uses the leaders of the world (dead and alive) to bring emulation into the lower hierarchy without making the help think that they are just like the deceiver. Any moral disdain or doubt in oneself, may cause the party to immediately stop emulating as he has suddenly woken up and realized the evil he has been promoting ignorantly. In layman's terms, ignorance is bliss. Also another popular one, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 1. Emulation is directly related to the liquidity of infinity. Emulating the wrong thing could totally ruin your investment. Emulating the right thing could leave you with endless returns. We encounter so many different wavelengths throughout the day that, unless you understand superposition, you may be misconstrued by what you're seeing. 2. You don't need to know superposition to understand it, people have understood it for thousands of years without mathematically understanding what it means or how to apply it, naturally. But awareness thereof could put you in a better position to evade the deception frequencies can carry. 3. Understanding frequencies will help you protect your investment in infinity. You don't want to tune in to or follow certain "waves" that aren't beneficial to your investment. This can be tricky because waves are constantly around you everyday. It is very hard to break a "wave" once you've began to emulate it. You may not even notice yourself emulating it or feel as if it is detrimental to your state of being, until it's too late. 4. Emulation and waves go hand and hand. You have to measure something to emulate it. Everything you measure has a distinct wavelength by the time you measure it (to keep things simple). Understanding this could grant you every single thing you desire, whether that's good or not is a totally different story. Just like anything else, it depends on how you use it. 5. Movies, music, friends, family, church, strangers, social media, girlfriends, wives, husbands, all give off a sort of wavelength that's observational. When these wavelengths collide with yours it's almost certain that in some way or form this changes your way of being. This may be viewed as a positive or negative to your investment. 6. When i say liquidity, it may seem a tad off. What do you mean by liquidity in this scenario? It doesn't really make sense, does it? 7. Well, life is pretty simple. You're going to die here. You will receive a reward for what you've done here, after you leave this place. Period. Is there really anymore to life than that? Some people choose not to believe this, and on the contrary believe that nothing will happen when you die in this place. No reward, whether you do right or wrong. So...YOLO? 8. For the sake of topic, we're going to go with the perspective that you will receive a reward for what you've done here. But, this doesn't mean that the reward is going to be magnificent or terrible. It's all based on your actions. 9. If you emulate wavelengths you basically can grant anything you want depending on what you're emulating. Borderline magic, as some would say, but it's more of you just being a by-product of an emulation. Copying a pattern. You can mix these wavelengths up with other waves to get more diverse results than the base wavelength. 10. Liquidity comes in, when you're harboring emulations that allow you to easily trade-off on things you have. In some scenarios, it is extremely hard to trade-off on things liquidly into infinity that you have when the wave lengths you are harboring won't allow it. This is because the people/things you are emulating don't have the proper wavelengths to trade-off assets/energy liquidly into infinity. What they may have though is a proper wavelength to trade-off assets/energy liquidly into cash. Obviously, people in general have a little bit of both. 11. Anything you can have on Earth= Cash, Anything you can imagine= Infinity. 12. The only difference in these two, is the imagination thresholds. As the imagination of what you can have on earth is finite.1. Death is the most unknown of occasions that we as a collective group of beings are aware of. This awareness of death causes us to act in a large variety of ways pertaining to the living situation. Nevertheless, in the long haul, the end is always the same.--------Someone else is calling you dead. Death is really only accepted as death, when someone who has observed you exhibiting "life" (or at least in the way they know "life") is making the decision to say that you are no longer exhibiting ways of "life" in their observation. In other words, you have lost communication with them and you will never again (or at least in this realm) observe them exhibiting "life" (or at least "life" as you know it). This is an almost undebatable topic-----death has to do with observation of your realm. You cannot be just dead, you must be dead to someone else. If you've never observed the person, who is now dead, you only know he's dead because of some information floating around the world that someone observed or at the very least lied about observing. Anything more is just over-dramatization of death. There's nothing else you can prove except that they are dead to you and everyone else here. 2. Said person could've been exited out of another organism across the Universe the second he left here through death, and possibly 1000 years went by on Earth before that even occurred. But, in his collective of consciousnesses it was instant and only could be viewed as one second via relativity. Kind of like when you go to sleep and then you wake up, time doesn't exist consciously when you're sleeping. Life is always "life as we currently know it", and death "death as we currently know it." To say intelligent beings, far more intelligent than us, don't use this confusion to their predatory advantage would be absurd. It's almost like claiming there aren't intelligent beings, far more intelligent than us. 3. Death is a vague word. Sort of like life. They are both vague. Like a potato or an apple, there's a variety of different kinds. Some die with honor, even in a way that gives value to someone else after their life has ended. This can be viewed many times as moral victory that personified their death, that "thing" one person (or millions of people) remembers them for and thereof having a subliminal/subconscious effect on the way they make their daily decisions. On the other hand, some have nothing of that nature that can be viewed as a personification of anything other than them being dead. The level of popularity, or the absence of it, is irrelevant. The spectrum of death is very vast, as is the spectrum of life. 4. Everyone knows they're going to die, but most people don't want to think about it until it gets close. "I'll wait until I'm 60 to begin writing my will, or wait......maybe 63." If they ever reach those years to begin with. People seem to know "how close it is", by assuming they'll die when they are old. This is basically what most tend to believe. Especially people who live in perceptually "safer" environments. However, as we all know, this isn't always the case. 5. It is 100% impossible to prove what happens after death, but it is 100% possible to incorporate an idea of what happens. 6. You can have an imagination, let's say, about what happens after death. 7. But, where death becomes a stepping stool...where death becomes a usable force, that can be idealized in your current living when you have total faith about what happens after death. When, you actually have invested in an ideology about what happens. 8. This idealization is the difference between the guy who is freaking out when someone tells him he will die today, contrary to the guy who is trying to hold in a smile when the doctor is relaying to him the unfortunate news. The masses tend to rest in the middle of these two extremes, closer to either one side or the other. Either way you bet, the house always wins. 9. The latter will always seem like a nut-case in this world, the guy freaking out is a regular joe. But, this is faith. Unfortunately, no one can possibly prove the nut-case or the regular joe wrong or right about their reactions. 10. Nevertheless, investing in infinity is heavily guided by the awareness of death. They almost correlate in a way where one could assume, if investing in infinity is in fact a proper view of reaping and sowing, that death is just an opportunity to invest in infinity. In fact, it's the only opportunity we've been given. 11. The most justified part about it, is that you never know when that opportunity will close off. But, this is only applicable if you believe that you will be rewarded something new after someone stops observing you as "living" in the current realm. Maybe your reward can be becoming a micro-creator? Depending on your level of faith in the skills of The Creator, I'm sure it could be granted to any being who desires or beholds the act of "creating" in their heart. If so, would you begin creating now? As if you already had the reward in the instant you believed it? 12. But, I will reiterate, death is the most unknown of occasions that we as a collective group of beings are aware of. So the only thing that can be considerable is channeling the awareness of the death. It's only applicable to trust One who has laid down His life for the world just to take His life back up again, and that's My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But, as I've said before, watch out for church and state churn. Religion won't save you. Jesus has already given the amount of intelligence on life and death, that will ever be given here, through his faith and works. But, unfortunately, others have took that infinite profitability and turned it into a selling point for their own glory. Creating industry out of faith. 13. Beware: how you view death will conquer what you will inherit, when it's time to collect your distributions of infinity. Few sacrifice what they can materially conceive, before they collect on unimaginable experiences that their heart beheld. While others stick to what they can materially conceive, to be collected by the infinite void that is their heart. 1. Want to trap a monkey? I will use monkeys, since science claims we are closer biologically to monkeys than any other creature. This said trap isn't anything meant to seem profound. Frankly, a cashier lady at Royal Farms one morning told it to me while I was buying some eggs. 2. So, want to trap a monkey? Get a coconut. Carve a hole in it, just big enough for them to put their hand through. Put some food in the hole. 3. The monkey will squeeze his hand through, then clinch the food in between his hand. 4. But, now with his hand in a fist, he cannot get the food out nor his hand. Unfortunately, he also doesn't want to let go of the food. If he let go, then he won't be trapped. But, he has already committed to the food and the idea behind it. 5. By the time he realizes it's a trap, simultaneously realizing the food wasn't worth his life, it is too late. 6. This can be correlated to human behavior, if you raise the bar to things that may fly over our intelligence level. Obviously, most of us will not be fooled by a coconut with food in it. Actually if we don't see the rope, the rope that indeed makes it a trap, then most of us will. So, I take that back. But, once we see it's a trap I think all of us would let go. Even though, perceptual speed isn't always on our side. 7. But nevertheless, whether monkey or human, we all fall to the same baseline behavior. 8. Understand: It is very easy to trap someone, or something, that will not let go. 9. What is the hardest thing for people to let go of? Life. 10. But, just like the monkey, this all sprouts from the idea that he shouldn't let go. 11. "Whoever wants to save his life will give up true life. And whoever gives up his life for me will have true life", says My Lord. "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal", says My Lord. 1. So last post, a monkey and a coconut was brought up. 2. Let's say, to ramp up to human standards (even though I think in some situations the scarcity of food could bring about similar results), that we exchanged the said food in the coconut for money? 3. We can even say there was a clear $100,000 in said coconut. 4. How many people would let go then? 5. How many people would, at minimum, go back for a second try after reassessing other alternative methods? 6. The fact that this doesn't work for food on humans is actually quite daunting. 7. Where down the line did humanity get so satisfied with the amount of resources already given to us, where we began to search for new things? 8. So much to the point where we will more likely be trapped over the offering of finite liquidity, rather than sustain infinite security. 9. From a certain angle, it can be viewed as a massive accomplishment for the human race. We aren't that hungry as a race. 10. At least for food, that is... 11. In all reality even the worldly-wealthy at times tell themselves, "I need more" of something. 12. the world spins, and the process of time indeed proceeds, you could say it is rather witty the way the power of the air (power of the cloud) has assisted in mutually assured destruction for the parties of humanity and the origin deceiver. 13. Spiritual nuclear warfare. Remove the nukes, and keep the mutually assured destruction. This is precisely what you have. 14. Two parties. One party, the origin deceiver, who was assured to be destroyed. And the other party, the one's who hadn't strayed away from God. Since the origin deceiver is going to be destroyed, he has the option to destroy as much as he can until that point. It's obvious the decision he made. 15. You can say it all began with thinking there was more. Something new other than taking orders from our Father. 16. Something God wasn't telling us and we figured we'd find out for ourselves? 17. From a certain angle, it can be viewed as a massive accomplishment for the human race. We aren't that dependent on God as a race. 18. At least for money, that is... 19. As a race, we are more dependent on the offering of finite liquidity than the offering of God's infinite security. 20. Daily, the economy is ran completely by this core principle. There would be no economy, if God's security wasn't showing signs of decay in this world. The signs of decay are exactly what bring rise to a full-fledge economy, based-on the security of finite liquidity. 21. The wages of sin is death and God gave a gift of life through Christ so that we may not perish but obtain infinity. 22. Christ is the only nuke shelter given for the current situation, everything else will be deceived and destroyed by the wrath of the origin deceiver. 23. Do not be trapped by the ideal of finite liquidity. It is very hard to let go once you grasp onto it. 24. There is one who dangles it as bait and purchases your soul from you with it. The love of it fuels evil and lets it thrive, for as long as He allows it to. 25. There is the presence of God in something and the absence of God in something. 26. What is evil? The absence of God. The absence of One. The way darkness is just the absence of photons in the visible wavelength (the absence of light). 27. "You cannot serve God and money", says My Lord.1. For a long time, I desired the opportunity to understand time and chance better. As I'm gradually granted this knowledge, the thin line between infinity and death becomes clearer. Nonetheless, evermore clever. 2. Higher is demanded at higher planes of relativity. The higher the demand, the more preparation is needed to meet the demand successfully. 3. I used to fear the transcendence I so now earnestly desire. 4. Then, my hour came to be seen and it was a requirement that I was to experience what was to come about unharmed. 5. This physical protection is no defense to what is being revealed. 6. I know I only endure this based on the experience I've asked God for. 7. It is my life's goal, and it is my sacrifice to God, that I gauge a response of useful work from my lessons. 8. I will lay down my life for it, in this life and the next. A hammer doesn't just work good on nails, but in face can work good on anything that needs hammering. 9. Ultimately, the core process of a tool is still the same even when its accommodating POI may change shape, form, or color. 10. Understand: Everyone has their own perception, what's relative to them. Transcending past this is encapsulating what's relative to others, and making it relative to yourself. 11. This can be heroic or sinister, when referring to the host of the encapsulation. 12. Nevertheless, a spirit must grow towards a direction. No matter the velocity or trajectory. 13. Overtime, I attempted to build defense mechanisms on grief. Thinking, maybe I could sustain growth in knowledge without growth in grief? 14. I've found this to be cowardice and to be in fact detrimental to transcendence. 15. So, My Lord dispatched assistance in the possessing of the inner knowledge that I seek. 16. It was already well-prepared for different spaces and different times of all variety. 17. And, the hour came for it to be used in this time and space. 18. To be observed by opposition of God. 19. Here, it was named superp0sition. 20. It wasn't a person, or a thing, or a being. It was an entanglement. 21. A never-ending one. 1. Chance, by popular definition, is the possibility of something happening. 2. Time, by popular definition, the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. 3. You cannot observe time or chance. These are properties that are much like language. They are unobservable, but can be idealized. You can look at a clock and say it's 2 o clock. You can look at a word and say it's French. You can look at computer code, and say it's HTML. 4. As an observer, you are looking at tools to encompass these unobservable properties. French allows you to perceive language, from a perspective of a system that was relative to the timespan of the French Empire. 5. The clock hand pointing to 2, while it is light outside, allows you to perceive time from a perspective of a system that was relative to the timespan of modernized humanity. 6. A second in one reference frame may be longer compared to a second in another reference frame. 7. In this sense, much of everything is imaginary. No matter how much you call it reality. 8. If you correlated chance and time to materials, such as a clock or a deck of cards, you would see that they are all communicating with you in a way. 9. Evermore, relative to your frame of reference. 10. There is an event where you look at a clock at 6:59 AM, and ponder the time it will take to get to work. You think, "Oh my! I have to be at work at 7AM, I will be late and lose my job!". 11. The clock just spoke to you, respectively, as an observer without saying anything at all. 12. There is an event where you look at a set of cards and ponder the chance of collecting the "pot" in blackjack. You think, "Oh my! I have a pair of cards that will win me lots of money man!" 13. The clock has invoked a response from you, as well as the deck of cards, but time and chance itself have communicated nothing to you. 14. Time and chance, stayed constant. The only thing that changed is the observer and the tools used to allow the encompassing of a constant property. 15. A man leaves his father and mother, to be united with his wife and the two become one flesh. Divorce certificates and marriage certificates do not cause this. Marriage itself does not bring about or cease this. But, they are indeed a way to communicate to observers the process of God uniting flesh and the process of humans becoming adulteress. 16. One could easily have a marriage ceremony and marriage certificate but have not had their flesh united. Immigrants and military personnel do it all the time for housing benefits. Many of them do not even end up living together. 17. As My Lord said pertaining to divorce certificates, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." 18. Understand: Beware the material tools you trust to gauge unseen properties. The entities who created, sold, and industrialized them are the same who did so to your kin before you. 1. Growing up, I used to think that you didn't get eternal life until you died. 2. But, as I mature spiritually, I see I already have eternal life and won't be dying at all. 3. I'll die to you. 3. My Lord says I have eternal life, even when others tell me "you can't say that yet". 4. When you have infinite lives, you look at one life differently. 5. When you have infinite lives, you look at money differently. 6. When you have infinite lives, you look at humanity differently. 7. When you have infinite lives, you are a tool for something that is encapsulating you and already sustaining an infinite property. 8. When you have finite life, you are a tool for something that is encapsulating you in its state of decay. 9. When you have infinite life, death is still death. 10. But, death can only be death to a relative observer. It changes just like time changes by the observer. 11. Theoretically, with infinite life, you can choose to die the way you want to. 12. You can lay down your life and take it up as you please. 13. If someone, something, or some being happens to observe that dead thing now living, right after he died to you, then theoretically he has never died. Even, if it was something as small as an entangled particle. 14. The little we know about quantum physics, shows you that entangled particles have the possibility of affecting each other instantaneously even if they are separated at opposite sides of the Universe. 15. God has the ability to observe anything with the infinite amount of resources he encapsulates. 16. Fear God or YOLO. 17. Understand: No one scared to fight in war ranks up. Anyone who is thinking about his or her own life during battle will be outperformed by those who don't. 18. If you think God doesn't expect performance from his creations, then you must have forgotten that even humans and computers own trash bins. Your feelings about it to Him, are highly analogous to the piece of trash's feelings to you. 19. Trash gets taken to the landfill and is buried underground or burned immediately. 20. If it isn't burned immediately, then it will be burned overtime as heat increases on the surface of the landfill slowly. 21. After burning and total decomposition, the energy can restart its' journey at the simplest levels of compounds! 22. But reusable parts, that can be recycled, are melted. Then reused in a different mold, allowing the object to avoid decomposition. If they contain any trashy parts, they must be throw in the landfill separate from the recyclable parts. 23. Burning and melting, are two different processes. 24. "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life", says My Lord.1. The most attractive thing about men and women in the world is flesh, when you peel back their skin. 2. The most successful thing about men and women in the world is discovering larger entities can become incapacitated from a smaller entity traveling at a high enough speed. 3. The richest men in the world can be easily trapped by the poorest women in the world, and vice versa. 4. The person that studies Scriptures does not always apply what they learn. 5. The closer you are to emulating Jesus, the more you will be treated like Jesus. 6. The more you hoard, the harder it is to enter eternal life. 7. When you talk bad about someone, don't forget that you may be giving God a reason to exalt them. 8. When you talk good about someone, don't forget that you may be giving God a reason to humble them. 9. No one in the history of men had to actually get on one knee, buy a ring, have a ceremony, or get a certificate to claim a woman as his wife. It was not like this in the beginning. 10. There are people who tell you that God will not bless you until you do this, here. Then they will show you something that is a product of religion and not faith. 11. There are men who pride themselves on how many women they have. But, all you are is prideful over a bag of meat. 12. There are women who pride themselves on how successful and strong their man is. But, all you are is prideful over a man who can drop from a puny pellet sized object. 13. There are people that God calls on to come out. But, they won't because it will break their state of tranquility. 14. The more powerful an entity, the longer you will have to wait to reclaim a missed opportunity from them. In case of an infinitely powerful entity, the amount of time you will have to wait to reclaim a missed opportunity is infinite. 15. Understand: Principalities are relative to the observer. Anyone who entangles themselves in principalities, that aren't considered re-usable, will be thrown in the landfill. These principalities come from higher places. In your lowly place, you are the representative of that principality. God's Trash is some man's treasure.1. Don't be shocked when you apply a spiritual knowledge and those who don't think of you as condescending. They did the same to Jesus before he died for our sins and even to David before he cut off Goliath's head. 2. You'll learn, many times, atheists have a better chance at seeing the truth once a religious man's pride has been compromised. 3. Religion cannot save you. Much of the traditional principalities, will be thrown in the landfill with the rest of the men and women who have said "Lord Lord" while slandering God's soldiers. 4. "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven", say My Lord. 1. With the politicalization of religion around the world continuing to inch towards a church and state equilibrium, you must watch how you're processing information that will be continuously used against you in different forms. 2. There are event horizons with everything. Once you past that event horizon, there is no coming back. 3. None engaged in true war hadn't left their brothers, sisters, wife, husband, parents, family, friends, and themselves behind. 4. The way you translate death and life, has much to do with how you're investing in infinity. 5. There is a time where you let go of something, because it no longer fits with your end goal. 6. There is a time where you keep something in your life, because it currently fits with your end goal. 7. Processing information has much to do with translation of your relative frame. 8. Spending war-resources on things that don't help evolve the war is a slap in the face to The Chief who ensured you had the resources to fight His War. 9. When the deceitfulness of wealth goes unnoticed, the family of the wealthy suffers along with anyone who has idolized them. 10. The richer you are, the harder it is to invest in infinity. Through correlation, you can state that the countenance of viewing wealth as a security is borderline testing the countenance of viewing God as a security. 11. Processing information is the act of preparing to give up the ghost or as I call it unplugging. 12. Simply put, everything you do in your day-to-day builds up until this point. 13. The point where you are unplugged. 14. The times of unplugging are up to The Beholder. 15. The more you emulate Jesus, the more you will sense unplugging before it occurs. 16. You always have the option to run away from it. Either way, you will be unplugged in time. 17. The event horizon isn't something to be avoided when you are investing in infinity. 18. But awareness thereof is that, once you step over the horizon, you know you will no longer be able to go back to your previous state and have a second chance of re-processing in the pre-horizon state. 19. I know my fellow disciples in Christ do well, even when worldly status isn't on their side. 20. There is no religion or tradition in following Jesus Christ. 21. Only emulation. 22. Everything has a cost, no matter the form. 23. Life is currency. 24. “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple. Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it? Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This man could not finish what he started to build.’ Or what king on his way to war with another king will not first sit down and consider whether he can engage with ten thousand men the one coming against him with twenty thousand? And if he is unable, he will send a delegation while the other king is still far off, to ask for terms of peace. In the same way, any one of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple", says My Lord. I've had plenty of dreams in my life. But, in retrospect, there is only one that I would lay down my life to wake up in. All I can, and all I would, bring along is the souls who were used to help me take it up again. To Friends and Foes, The type of gift I'm craving, this world cannot offer me. I will have to leave here to experience it the way I did in my vision on February 22nd, 2016. I figured, like a child wanting a gift, I'd write the request in grave detail. Then, God cannot state I didn't clarify with paramount faith. I'm requesting this via a volume of scripts called Vaingel. Money cannot buy the experience I'm requesting. This world cannot bear the gift. It's frankly beginning to make the two seem infinitely small. So on that note I will spend the rest of my time here writing the scripts, engineering a medium of distribution, engineering a means of production, and instilling the understanding into whoever wills it. When a sole stranger catches the cryptic drift, I imagine they may use the power better than I could ever have. This is why I must distribute and produce the volume of scripts in a manner that guests can be beneficiaries. Ultimately, securing closure to my own conscience. Evermore, with a touch of meaninglessness, it's the closest way I myself will get to experiencing it here on Earth. Under the sun. I truly enjoy the whole process and do indeed get the proverbial "kick" out of it all. But, the time is only drawing nearer to pass the baton. Don't say I didn't leave behind clues and don't say I didn't tell you who My Lord is. In fact, that's the only business I know.

with love,